miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2011

Musica Para Todos!

At the orphanage some of the kids have a difficult time communicating. A boy named Alonso who can't speak points to a book that has small pictures and descriptions  in order to show what different activities he wants to do, how he is feeling, etc. Today, Alonso pointer to "cantar" while he was playing with Shannon.

Shannon decided to sing and Maria and Kany soon  joined in. Some of the nurses joined and a guitar was brought out. Songs were played and Alonso had the brightest smile on his face and clapped his hands. I thought it was pretty cool that we were brought together by music with no language and communication barrier. Each of us communicated in a different way spanish, english, and communicating through a book but for that moment that barrier didn't exist.
-Kate Boyle

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